Pastor Dan’s Article

“A Man Reaps What He Sews.”
Where does food come from? Ask children in the greater KC area, and they will likely say, “The grocery store.” Many of us in urban and suburban life are completely disconnected from the land and what it takes to produce a fruitful crop that can feed us. We reap the harvest at the store without any real idea of the months, maybe years, of hard work that was sown into its growing. It’s just magically there for us to buy and we don’t give it another thought.
None of that is particularly tragic, but it would be wise for us to understand that it does make it more difficult for us to comprehend certain aspects of the Bible and the spiritual life. Take Galatians 6:1-10 where Paul is nearing the end of his letter. His main points have been made. Now, all that is left are a few final admonitions, the last of which before he begins his personal conclusion, is about the basic principle of sowing and reaping. V7, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” In that non-industrialized, agricultural world everyone understood the truth of Paul’s words.
If you don’t sow, you don’t reap a harvest and you don’t eat.

Paul says the Christian life is similar; the very same principle applies. Our problem, again, is that we sometimes reap without sowing which deceives us. We think life in the Spirit which produces Christian character and holiness can come quickly and easily; no, says Paul. A truly spiritual life can only be reaped if it is first intentionally sown, and then “at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

We must never give up, God is not finished with us!

Love in Christ,

Pastor Dan

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