Pastor Dan Article

God Speaks
The book of Hebrews begins with a very big premise: God speaks.
“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.”
The writer is showing us that, while the timing and method have changed, one thing is unmistakably clear – God speaks to us. How different would our everyday lives be if we held that truth more closely?

If we really believed the God of the universe desired to speak to us and he is always reaching out and trying to share his Word with us, it would change everything! Now, I don’t have the space here to write about how to listen to him well. So for now, I want us to focus on the simple premise – God desires to speak to us.

Take just a moment to reflect on it. The amazing love the God of the universe has for us so He just cannot leave us alone. He desperately wants to speak to us. He knows our heartaches and longings and he has a word for us. He sees our celebrations and joys and wants to tell us of his love and pride in us. He understands that we often feel lost and confused and he wants to guide us.

God speaks.
I believe if we took this truth more seriously, we’d walk around more attentive to him, more expectant. We would live our lives with a little more awareness of him, listening for him. May we all experience more of that as we move forward in our journey ahead.

Let’s listen for God together,
Pastor Dan

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